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Stacey Trivett

Position: Children and Music
Phone: 828-898-2781

It has been said that I wear many hats here at Mt Calvary (which is interesting, since I've never looked good in hats). 


Actually, for the last 14 years, I get paid to play with kids and sing praises to the Lord. Really! They pay me to do this! What an awesome opportunity it is to show kids God's love and teach them how much He desires them to have their own personal relationship with Him. And then, I put my "music hat" on and get to share the beauty of traditional hymns and contemporary praise songs as we come together in corporate worship. (Every once in a while, we sprinkle a little bluegrass in the mix, too!)


I love the fact that I get to share this with my whole family. My husband, Sam, has been volunteering with the youth group since before we started dating and my kids are growing up in a church family that really loves one another. We're not perfect... but this church really does have something special.


By the way... I also teach dance to all ages, Preschool thru Adult.  Tap, Jazz, Ballet, Creative Movement, Clogging, Social Dance... "but the greatest of these.." is Tap!  



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