Women's Ministries
The Mt. Calvary Women are busy serving the Lord in many areas. Check out this list to see where you might enjoy using your gifts for the Kingdom!
Ministry to shut-ins — Meets monthly on Tuesday morning to take goodies and a word of encouragement to our folks who can't get out. (NOTE: This is OPEN to MEN also!)
Meals for special needs —The Mt. Calvary Women want to minister to the needs of our church family and to those in the community. We occasionally provide meals for those who are sick or who are going through a time of bereavement or other difficult circumstance.
As these needs arise, we will utilize the website, www.takethemameal.com.
We have initiated a Card Ministry. Besides sending cards to our shut-ins we also send cards for illness or death in the family. We also are looking to get involved in local mission projects, such as working with the International Students at Lees-McRae College. We will plan projects throughout the year to serve our seniors and shut-ins. Other mission opportunities may be added in time. But this is a great start!! And we hope that our ladies will be willing to serve in one or more of these areas.
There are many other opportunities for service. If you would like more information, please contact the church office!